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 Pathfinder Flocking Price List

The flock appears and disappears in the middle of the night! Where will these birds show up next? Your house? Your friend's house? Get in on the fun while helping the Golden Eagle Pathfinders raise funds for the club expenditures and exciting God centered outings and activities.

Standard Flocking $40

Save $5.00

Premium Flocking $100

Save $10.00

The Works Flocking $150

Save $25.00

Please make all checks payable to "Golden Eagle Pathfinders"

1 Flock for 1 day

Note Delivery

Flocking Insurance (2 Weeks)

Flamingo Advanced Rescue Team

1 Flock for 2 days

Identity Protection

Flock-back Protection

Note Delivery

Customized Roosting Pattern

$10 Gift Coupon

Donate a bird to our flock

Flocking Insurance (3 Weeks)

Flamingo Advanced Rescue Team

1 Flock for 5 days

Identity Protection

Flock-back Protection

Note Delivery

Customized Roosting Pattern

$10 Gift Coupon

Luke 6:31 Insurance

Flamingo Advanced Rescue Team

Build Your Own Customized

Items may be added to any package or combined to make your own custom order.

1 Flock for 1 day................................. $30
1 Flock for 2 days .............................. $50

1 Flock for 3 days .............................. $60

1 Flock for 4 days .............................. $70

1 Flock for 5 days .............................. $80

1 Flock for 6 days .............................. $90
1 Flock for 1 week ............................ $100

Identify your Flocker .......................... $15

Identity Protection .............................. $10

Flock-back ......................................... $35

Flock-back Protection ........................ $10

Night Moves............................... $10/night

Note Delivery ....................................... $5

$10 Gift Coupon .................................. $5

Flocking Extras

Just a little something extra...

Donate a bird to our flock ...................... $10

Donate a pair of birds to our flock ......... $20

Donate gas money .................................. $5

Flocking Insurance ......................... $5/week

Luke 6:31 Insurance .............................. $60

Early removal .................................. $25/day

Flamingo Advanced Rescue Team ...... Free


Anchor 1



Bundled Savings - A package deal that costs less than the total of each individual service. You can still add or extend services by adding them alacart. 


City - Several cities in our area have similar streets or even share the same. For obvious reasons, we will need to know what city to head out to. We only flock in our listed cities and surrounding area. Those that live outside of our area can still make a work order for a city in our area. but may miss out on the fun of Flock-Back.


Customized Roosting Pattern - You provide a Google Earth printout of the yard with landing sites marked and the flock will do it's best to land accordingly. 


Day - From before sunrise to after sunset.


Donate a bird - Simple. You add the cost of a bird to the deal and we add a bird to the flock to be deployed in all future flockings.


Duration - How many days the flock will roost.


Early Removal - Your friends may choose to pay a fee to have the flock removed early.


Flamingo Advanced Rescue Team - We realy like our flock, as do most people. However, if we have been misinformed or mislead about a home owner's "good nature", we may send a local FART out to the roosting site to remove the flock early. For maximum fun, pick your friends carefully.


Flock-Back - Send your own flock back to whoever flocked you. (All flocking fees apply)


Flock-Back Protection - Keep the retaliation at bay. (They can't flock you back for at least a month)


Flock - Not less than 10 birds but more as they become available. You will be asked for a date to start the flocking. We will do our best to make it happen on that date or soon after. If your friend has flocking insurance, your flocking date will be postponed until after your friend's insurance policy expires. If no date is indicated, your flocking will happen on the next available night.


Flocker - Whoever paid to have the flock sent.


Flocking Insurance - Protects you from anyone sending us to your place with a flock. Policy expiration dates can be extended by a week or more for a fee. You will be asked for a start date for your policy. If you have no current policy and specify no start date, we will start your policy upon receipt of funds. If you have an active policy, and specify no start date, we will simply extend your current policy.


Full Name - First and Last. We must know who we are working with.


Gift Coupon - Send your friend a coupon to help them join the fun. (Coupons are only valid for previously Flocked individuals)


Identity Protection - We will not sell you out. Your secret is safe with us. (Good for one contract)


Luke 6:31 Insurance - When your friends take out a contract to have you Flocked, we take it to them instead. This is a one time use and expires after one use. You may purchase multiple policies. This policy does not protect you from your own work orders.


Night Moves - For Flocks staying more than a day. They can get restless and move around the yard at night.


Note Delivery - You write it. We type it, we print it, and the flock delivers it.


Phone Number - In rare cases, we may need to get in contact with you or your friend. Make sure you provide a valid number.


Refund - What is that? This is a fundraiser and all funds are considered donations. 


Spill the Beans - Provided the Flocker did not purchase Identity Protection, we will sell them down the river for a fee.


State - At this time we only flock in Idaho. Those that live outside of Idaho can still make a work order for a city in our area. but may miss out on the fun of Flock-Back.


Street Address - Physical Address is needed for obvious reasons. No P. O. Boxes.


Warning - Extra info that will help us is always welcome. "Sprinklers come on at 9:30", "Pet python is loose in the neighborhood", "Electric fence", "Saber tooth bunny on guard" or "Sleepwalking wife with frying pan"


Work Order - An online form that is to be filled out by anyone wishing to use our services and or flock.



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